Friday, April 17, 2009


We're safe in London waiting....waiting....waiting for our next flight. It's almost noon here and most of us are functioning on little to no sleep. Don't worry though, we have tons of cute pictures of tired kids!!

Lauren: So... it's about 7am in eastern time, and all I want to do is go to bed. We had a nice flight, Senora got yelled at by a fat old guy. Hilarious... now we're just chilling in the airport for 5 hours, wahoo! Hello parents, if you're actually reading this :] I love you! Can't wait to get to BARCELONA!

Stefanie and Alex Zotos are best friends. FO LIFE

Alex Banfield: I sat next to a grandmother on the plane, who was really annoying. She reclined her seat all the way back, then yelled at Josie to stop kicking at her seat. It was great.


  1. What a hoot! Please be sure to take pictures of Max for me :)

  2. Hey! It's Abbie Zerb and Erika J. Just wanted to see how everybody is holding up from the lack of sleep. We love you Laurel and Josie and Max!!! You guys better be able to write back to us because we miss you! Okay well have fun and be safe!!! Byeeeeee<3

  3. Hey Maxine! This is Ms. S and Abbie. Are you checkin' out those British babes? haha. Have you guys been able to convince Senora to let you walk around London? Make sure you keep your act together and have a blast!!! We want to see a lot of pictures when you get back. OXOX Abbie and Ms. S.
